Membership of Rosslyn Park Football Club
Terms & Conditions
By joining Rosslyn Park Football Club as a Member I confirm that I will abide by the Club’s Constitution, Club Rules, Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Policy, Equity Policy, Social Networking and Child Welfare Policy. I understand that if I do not abide by these Rules / Codes of Conduct / Policies that Rosslyn Park FC may take disciplinary action.
If I have registered a dependent as a member in the Rosslyn Park Mini or Youth sections: I understand that if they do not also abide by these Rules / Codes of Conduct / Policies that Rosslyn Park FC may take disciplinary action.
The latest copies of the Rosslyn Park FC Club Rules and the Rosslyn Park FC Constitution, Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Policy, Equity Policy, Social Networking and Child Welfare Policy are all available from the Club Office.
Last updated: 30 April 2020